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- May 4, 2022
Happy Mother’s Day!
By the time breast screening is timely, most women have had children. Koning honors the commitment that for many women marks the most resounding shift into life as they know it.
Motherhood is traditionally synonymous with nurturement, stirring pots, lighting birthday candles, wiping tears, being present and other-focused. Whether having children is the path chosen, the idea of motherhood adds to a much broader picture of family. With or without the element of giving birth, this definition focuses on being both the giver and receiver of unconditional love.
When 80 million breast scans go undone annually in the Unites States, it is clear that women are prone to neglecting their health. Koning takes care of eliminating the factor of compression, but the motivation for such a large number must be linked to mentality beyond avoidance of pain. We often forget the importance of self-care, even though it is precisely what makes being there for others possible.
The American Cancer Society confirms that when breast cancer is detected early, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%. By getting screened, we have the power to add years, perhaps decades, to our time with loved ones. We can ensure precious memories in the long run: witnessing the birth of a grandchild, discussing unwritten family history, holding hands with our spouse. By getting screened, we have the power to prolong our most cherished moments.
We wish you an abundance of precious togetherness this Mother’s Day,
Team Koning