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- September 17, 2021
8 Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle
There's no natural way to stop cancer from happening. It affects a person's body physically, mentally, and emotionally, and challenges their daily life. The disease not only affects the individual that becomes ill, but it also affects their family and daily life. Despite being diagnosed,
it is still possible to beat cancer. It is vital to understand why and how a healthy lifestyle can change the trajectory of an individual's experience and challenges that their body may find over their lifespan.
Why Should You Live A Healthy Lifestyle?
Living a healthy lifestyle is vital because, despite genetic factors and predisposed genetic makeups, a healthy lifestyle can promote good health outcomes overall. Being predisposed for diseases or illnesses does not mean a person will be diagnosed with those ailments - it means they are at higher risk. Although we cannot alter genetic makeup, some lifestyle and environmental changes can counter the higher risk outcome.
Breast cancer, for instance, can be hereditary for many women. In this case, more frequent breast exams are beneficial, because people with a family history of breast cancer have a higher risk for getting the disease. Some other ways to live a healthy lifestyle include avoiding harmful activities like smoking, staying active and exercising, and keeping a balanced diet.
How To Enjoy A Healthy Lifestyle
There are many ways to keep a healthy lifestyle and enjoy life in the process. Worrying or becoming stressed from health concerns is not beneficial for the body in any capacity. Getting with the right health care providers and team can promote healthy lifestyle changes and awareness of specific health needs. It is essential to find a doctor and healthcare team that is trusted and reliable in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances that could have been avoided or better treated if discovered on time.
People often avoid doctors' office visits and annual exams for fear of the results. However, when a person avoids doctor visits and disregard routine checkups, it is more likely cancer will be missed.
The Mayo Clinic reports these healthy tips to prevent cancer:
- Not smoking tobacco
- Keeping a healthy diet
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Staying active
- Protecting yourself from the sun
- Getting vaccinated
- Avoiding risky behavior
- Getting regular check-ups
Although there isn't a way to guarantee an individual will not get cancer, staying on top of annual exams are the first step to living a healthy lifestyle. Trusting the healthcare providers and their yearly recommendations for health check-ups will encourage peace of mind. These exams are the most straight-forward way to avoid potential health problems.
Annual breast cancer screenings are important because breast cancer becomes more and more prevalent each year for women in the United States. Unfortunately, about 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. An estimated 280,000 cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in women by the end of 2021. A healthy lifestyle can a difference in lessening those numbers.
Koning Health encourages patients to adhere to annual breast cancer exams. The cutting-edge Koning Breast CT offers painless and more accurate results. Providers and imaging facilities around the globe are already enjoying the ease and accuracy that the Koning CT offers.
Find more information at koninghealth.com.